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How Do I Treat?



Due to the scope of my interests, I do not treat within any set prescriptive orthodoxy. I am interested in appraising the many facets of a person and working with them to find the right solution for them.


I aim to assist people in taking more control over their issue, and identifying areas of change that they will need to work on.


My ethos is that people who come to see me are interested in working with me to find solutions, I do not wish to engender dependency in the people I treat. Sometimes there is a need for ongoing longer term support if change is slow, but my approach is always towards self determination and self agency.


I might decide that you need help outside of my scope of practice, and take steps to refer you to someone who has the appropriate tools. My duty of care is to ensure that whoever comes to me gets the help and intervention they need for their condition to the best of my ability.



Osteopathy and Clinical Pilates


An osteopathic initial consultation is between 45 minutes to 1 hour long (depending where you book). I ask screening questions that may cover areas that are not necessarily musculoskeletal in nature, but which are relevant in identifying what might be causing your symptoms.  


Examination and treatment will require you to undress to your underwear at times, certainly at your first visit where a visual appraisal is needed to assess issues within the musculoskeletal system. Bringing a pair of shorts and a vest can be useful to help you feel more comfortable and less exposed.


An osteopathic assessment consists of observing how you actively move, and how your joints and soft tissues respond when they are moved or palpated. Treatment is an extension of this process using a variety of techniques to improve the state of the symptomatic tissues.


By the end of the initial consultation, you will have an explanation of your symptoms and a map of the proposed intervention. This may include more hands on treatments, some Pilates based rehabilitation or a combination of both. 





A naturopathic consultation is conducted online and requires you to fill in a nutrition, symptom and lifestyle questionnaire prior to our first appointment. Once you have filled in and returned the questionnaire, I will spend time analysing it and assessing where you may have some issues in terms of your nutrient intake, digestive capacity, and areas where you may have some deficiency of function. I will then book an online consultation with you to collaborate on how to best create the map for change.


During our first meeting I will ask further questions to get a more in depth understanding of any potential issues. By the end of the consultation we will have identified and agreed short, medium and longer term goals and you will have the first steps towards starting to make change. These first steps vary considerably according to your presenting symptoms, levels of health, nutritional knowledge, culinary skills and budget.


Sometimes I feel that further diagnostic tests may be of use, these are an additional cost and discussion of this can be had during consultation.




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