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Post-natal screening and rehabilitation


It can be reassuring to know that you are optimising your road to recovery. Ensuring that your pelvic floor and abdominal muscle rehabilitation is properly undertaken is beneficial for supporting mums back to fitness, whatever the level of movement or exercise they wish to return to. Occasionally things do not go to plan, and it is good to know that there is help at hand, and you are not on your own with a new baby whilst struggling to cope with distressing symptoms. 


Things routinely present are:

  • rectus diastasis (closing of the gap down the middle of the abdominal muscles)

  • scarring from an episiotomy or tear

  • pelvic floor integrity

  • continence issues

  • painful sex

  • caesarean scar issues such as puckering or tenderness

  • pelvic pain

  • retained shape of pregnancy

  • low back pain

  • stiffness and pain related to long hours feeding.


It's recommended that women have an initial assessment after their 6-8-week GP check, but I also treat women who gave birth months or years ago who may still have a tummy gap or related pelvic floor or scarring issues.


The Mummy MOT itself is a single assessment and report. There may be a recommendation for further treatment which is not part of the assement though every every attempt is made to deliver some treatment at your initial visit. It is therefore recommended that where possible you do an online case history before meeting in person. See prices and package page for more information.





Have a more detailed read in my interview in Metro, link below:

What is a mummy MOT and do you need one? | Metro News

Client Story

Mummy MOT presentation of a young lady who was very keen to lose some of her baby weight. She had been extremely fit prior to her pregnancy, and was struggling with her post-natal shape. She had been working with a personal trainer to get back in shape before a trip abroad where she was going to be on the beach. The trainer had done a lot of resistance work and plyometrics with her which had helped her weight loss but she found that her tummy gap had widened and she was finding it difficult to hold her urine during the exercise sessions. On examination, she had a wide tummy gap and a very weak pelvic floor contraction, which was a strong indicator that she had progressed her exercise too fast. We discussed how her previous level of fitness and her desire to get back in shape with a looming holiday deadline had influenced her approach and she was much better scaling back and staging her exercise progression. As well as some hands-on deep tissue and visceral work to her abdomen and pelvis, we also worked on deep core and pelvic floor activation, helping her to tune into the muscles that needed to engage and rehabilitate. Additionally we went through a wide range of baseline movements she could do in different settings that would satisfy her need to exercise without compromising the integrity of her post-natal body. Once she understood this, she was able to overcome her frustration at the rate and pace that her body needed for recovery, and appreciate the time needed to heal properly in order to progress.

"I cannot recommend Antonia highly enough. Her examination, explanations and recommendations were all clear, helpful and practical. She is a highly experienced, skilled and friendly professional, and I found both MMOT consultations extremely useful. I have recommended Antonia's services to my antenatal group and will not hesitate to consult her again! "


Sophie Mummy MOT client

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